Divorce, Single Parenting, Dating, Sex, & Self-Recovery

Posts tagged “poems

girl on fire

My Girl On Fire - The Off Parent

[from a coffee love letter – poetry]

is writing poetry in a notebook
with a cup of coffee and an open laptop
i know she is writing poetry
she must be
she is

not mine
a figment of my visual and verbal imagination
in a coffee shop

it’s becoming a thing between us
not this girl
but women in general
i call them girls because
i call myself an excitable boy

she is aware
she does that thing with her mouth
when she knows i am checking her out
we will never exchange more than a glance
she is much too young
too much she needs to learn
before I get
beside her

but this moment is for me
this song is mine alone
i sometimes imagine giving her the poem
giving her a nudge in my direction
but what would be the magic in that?

she, my she, will find me
she, my she, will discover and read and swoon
then we will meet
over wine, not coffee
over smiles and witty repartee

my she eludes me to for the moment
but the moment is ripe
the cooler temperature is bringing her closer
with the smell of burning leaves
and nights that are best shared
under heavy blankets

my girl on fire


creating believing solo

this is me creating, believing, solo[from Making Love To Other Women – poetry]

i aimed another poem at her again last night
and loosed it like a prayer
somewhat unsure of my intention
less sure of who she might be
what she might like

there are no limits in pursuit
in anticipation of the join
i am full
and full of myself
in love
in this state
at the edge of the unknown

with time as an unlimited resource
a currency more precious and rare
and even the idea of you
becomes a sail i can ride
a wordstream love jam of song

this is me creating

