Divorce, Single Parenting, Dating, Sex, & Self-Recovery

The Women of Mad Men: Pick Your Type

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type of women - the ladies of mad menCan you define your desire in terms of a type? Is Joan your speed? Or Betty Draper? Perhaps the feisty and direct Peggy Olsen. (She looks a bit hotter here than in Mad Men don’t you think?)

Sometimes men try to identify themselves as breastmen, legmen, assmen.

I prefer to be an all-over-man. And now having come off a 12-year one woman man thing, I’m ready for a bit of anything. Legs, breasts, hot baths, ritas and queso. Mostly I’m into women. Having not had the scent of another woman for a long time, I’m a bit over-ripe. And that’s what’s juked my two near misses from online dating. So I’m looking into my own “projections.” I need to get further from my current divorce and into self-awareness.

what type of woman do you like - joan from mad menBut when she arrives, she’s in for a treat.


The Off Parent

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